"An advanced,
improved, balanced,
better-informed world"
We want to make our environment better
through modern and innovative products,
reducing inequalities and raising awareness
of the need for sustainable development.
LU-VE Group has been saying this since 1986.
PARTICIPATE at the forefront in the process of improving the sector
CULTIVATE the objective of constantly improving customer satisfaction with our products and services
INTERPRET creatively the existing and latent requirements of the market
MAINTAIN our commitments made to the users and the community
PROMOTE the personal and professional growth of our staff and our organization
Sustainability is a tool to change a company’s approach to business, making it possible to seize new opportunities.
The fundamental aspect is not only to share the importance of these matters, but above all to make people understand that the heart of sustainability lies in the actions we take on a daily basis.
The introduction of sustainability governance means that all employees and people who interact with the Group must act as spokespersons and above all as shareholders in sustainability activities, so that it is effective.
The 2030 Agenda is the action programme signed in 2015 by the governments of the 193 member countries of the United Nations (UN) that supports organisations in implementing actions aimed at sustainable development. It defines 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs divided into 169 sub-goals or targets to be achieved by 2030. LU-VE Group is committed to contributing to and following the guidelines of all 17 Goals of the Agenda.
Strategies for growth and creation of long-term value
Evolved world
Research, development and innovation
Products with reduced environmental impact
Customer orientation

Better world
Workers' well-being and safety
Talent attraction and development

Conscious world
Climate change
Resource and waste management
Responsible supply chain
Foos safety and waste

Balanced world
Business ethics and integrity
Support for local communities

In particular, five have been identified for which more significant results can be achieved according to the specific features of the business and the company’s principles:

Learn more about key sustainability topics

Climate crisis: the scientific basis of the climate crisis, policies, and technological solutions for decarbonisation were presented.

Energy market and energy transition: current and future energy generation scenarios were explored, with particular reference to the role of renewable energies. Business impacts were assessed, with particular reference to the heat pump market, which also plays a key role in decarbonisation in the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) sector.

Protection of human rights: the origin of human rights protection, the role of institutions, as well as corporate policies and practices to protect the welfare of people and their rights along the entire value chain were presented.

The programme will continue in 2024 with new training sessions on the circular economy and sustainability communication to promote correct and transparent communication.
"Developing good ideas for a better world"